Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: Mar 21, 1976
Rating: 1976-03-21
Run Time: 1h 39m
Original Language: Persian
Website: -
Production Countries: Iran
Production Companies: Badi' Studio , Panorama Cinematic Organization
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Where to watch The Big Appointment
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Amir and Reza Sooti in their youth promise to meet each other 20 years later on a special day and by putting an advertisement in the newspapers. On that special day Reza comes but Amir is late but they meet later while don't know each other and this lead to more adventures.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Mohamad Ali Fardin
Assistant Director |
Reza Zahiri
Camera | Still Photographer |
Farhad Farhadi
Assistant Camera |
Shir Morad Goodarzi
Director of Photography |
Hamid Mojtahedi
Editing | Editor |
Mohamad Ali Fardin
Production | Producer |
Mohamad Ali Fardin
Writing | Writer |
Valiollah Hosseinzadeh (Milad)
Mohamad Ali Fardin
Department | Role | Name |