
TMDB Rating 8


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 8

Release Date: Feb 12, 2003

Rating: 2003-02-12

Run Time: 1h 28m

Original Language: French

Website: -

Production Countries: France , Germany , Poland

Production Companies: Mascaret Films , Ciné Valse , P'Artisan Filmproduktion GmbH , Heritage Films




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Myriam, a survivor of the concentration camp at Auschwitz, is a filmmaker and journalist who has spent many years living abroad. She takes part in a memorial event at the town hall in Paris commemorating the liberation of the camp, where she wins a flight to Cracow. At first she refuses to accept the prize, then decides to go.

Main Cast

Anouk Aimée

Anouk Aimée


Age : N/A | Popularity : 100%

August Diehl

August Diehl


Age : 49 | Popularity : 66%

Marilú Marini

Marilú Marini


Age : N/A | Popularity : 7%

Zbigniew Zamachowski

Zbigniew Zamachowski


Age : 63 | Popularity : 33%

Claire Maurier

Claire Maurier


Age : N/A | Popularity : 30%


Department Role Name
Writing Writer
Jeanne Moreau
Jeanne Moreau
Jean-Pierre Sergent
Jean-Pierre Sergent
Elisabeth D. Prasetyo
Elisabeth D. Prasetyo
Marceline Loridan-Ivens
Marceline Loridan-Ivens
Production Co-Producer
Peter Sehr
Peter Sehr
Lew Rywin
Lew Rywin
Alain Sarde
Alain Sarde
Bénédicte Lesage
Bénédicte Lesage
Ariel Askénazi
Ariel Askénazi
Directing Director
Marceline Loridan-Ivens
Marceline Loridan-Ivens
Department Role Name

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