Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: Jun 9, 2016
Rating: 2016-06-09
Run Time: 1h 10m
Original Language: Portuguese
Website: Link
Production Countries: Brazil , France
Production Companies:
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José Mauro is nervous about leaving his old apartment. Hilda and him will move to a place where everything will be new again, after 35 years living together. Hilda doesn't know what to do with the objects from that house that was never hers, and from where José Mauro has not left for the past 20 years. Everything will be packed and the old mattresses thrown away.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
João Vieira Torres
Diogo Oliveira
Camera | Director of Photography |
Camila Freitas
Department | Role | Name |