Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: Dec 17, 1917
Rating: 1917-12-17
Run Time: 12h 20m
Original Language: Danish
Website: -
Production Countries: Denmark
Production Companies: Filmfabrikken Danmark
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Watch The Daughter of Darkness IV
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Once again, the Daughter of Darkness has been put behind bars for yet another one of her infamous crimes. But help is on its way: Her assistant ties a string with a piece of coal and paper to a snake's tale and sends the glistening predator up the drainpipe to the prison window. The Daughter of Darkness informs her helper about the time and place for her imminent transferral to another prison, and when the plans work out, the underground mastermind is off to new adventures. (The film is part of a series of four independent works produced by Filmfabrikken Denmark from 1915-1917. This is a fragment from the fourth film in the series.) (stumfilm.dk)
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Kay van der Aa Kühle
Writing | Screenplay |
Richard Lund
Department | Role | Name |