Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line: They were warned the earthquake was coming. But they refused to listen until...
Status: Released
Average Rating: 6
Release Date: Sep 18, 1974
Rating: 1974-09-18
Run Time: 1h 14m
Original Language: English
Website: -
Production Countries: United States of America
Production Companies: ABC Circle Films
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Where to watch The Day the Earth Moved
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An aerial photography team tries to alert a small town about an impending earthquake, but no one believes the duo until the tremors start and the walls begin to collapse.
Department | Role | Name |
Writing | Teleplay |
Max Jack
Jack Turley
Story |
Jack Turley
Production | Producer |
Bobby Sherman
Ward Sylvester
Art | Art Direction |
Bill Malley
Directing | Director |
Robert Michael Lewis
Editing | Editor |
John F. Link
Camera | Director of Photography |
Charles F. Wheeler
Sound | Original Music Composer |
Bobby Sherman
Department | Role | Name |