
TMDB Rating 7


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line: An elderly, recently widowed ballet primadonna is scammed out of her house but finds a new homeless love.

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Dec 3, 2006

Rating: 2007-03-22

Run Time: 1h 40m

Original Language: Hungarian

Website: -

Production Countries: Hungary , Poland

Production Companies: Dánielfilm Studio




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After her husband's death, Hanna Szendroy, the former primadonna, portrayed by Maya Komorowska is caught in the claws of the real estate mafia. She looses her lavish home and ends up homeless at the Keleti train station. When she returns to her house, now full of homeless people moved in by the real estate mafia, an unexpected relationship brings hope into her life again.

Main Cast

Judit Hernádi

Judit Hernádi

Szendrőy Hanna (voice)

Age : 68 | Popularity : 8%

Maja Komorowska

Maja Komorowska

Szendrőy Hanna

Age : 87 | Popularity : 12%

Sándor Gáspár

Sándor Gáspár

Jeromos (voice)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%

Franciszek Pieczka

Franciszek Pieczka


Age : 97 | Popularity : 23%

Gyula Bodrogi

Gyula Bodrogi


Age : N/A | Popularity : 8%

Csákányi Eszter

Csákányi Eszter

Gizike - Ernõ felesége

Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%

Judit Pogány

Judit Pogány

Csibike - ügyvédnő

Age : N/A | Popularity : 8%

Géza D. Hegedűs

Géza D. Hegedűs


Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%


Department Role Name
Production Producer
Judit Elek
Judit Elek
Lajos Szakácsi
Lajos Szakácsi
Michał Kwieciński
Michał Kwieciński
János Hevesi T.
János Hevesi T.
Sándor Zsótér
Sándor Zsótér
Unit Manager
István Nedeczky
István Nedeczky
Production Manager
Ildikó Kovács
Ildikó Kovács
Consulting Accountant
László Csiki
László Csiki
Directing Second Assistant Director
Antal B. Koch
Antal B. Koch
Judit Elek
Judit Elek
First Assistant Director
Tamás Kulcsár
Tamás Kulcsár
Art Construction Coordinator
Mihály Balaskó
Mihály Balaskó
Set Decoration
Sándor Katona
Sándor Katona
Construction Manager
Andrea Tóth
Andrea Tóth
Production Design
Tamás Banovich
Tamás Banovich
Péter Mátyássy
Péter Mátyássy
Tibor Sziki Gál
Tibor Sziki Gál
Writing Writer
Judit Elek
Judit Elek
Eli Laszlo Berger
Eli Laszlo Berger
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Györgyi Szakács
Györgyi Szakács
Hair Assistant
László Horváth
László Horváth
Key Makeup Artist
Magdolna Márta
Magdolna Márta
Mari Havasi
Mari Havasi
Ildikó Tóth
Ildikó Tóth
Wardrobe Coordinator
János Breckl
János Breckl
Sound Production Sound Mixer
György Kovács
György Kovács
Sound Recordist
István Ifj. Perger
István Ifj. Perger
Boom Operator
Csaba Erös
Csaba Erös
Original Music Composer
László Melis
László Melis
Crew Thanks
Balázs Vákár
Balázs Vákár
Gyula Krasnyánszky
Gyula Krasnyánszky
Film Processor
Judit Szép
Judit Szép
Special Effects
Ferenc Kardos
Ferenc Kardos
Stunt Coordinator
György Kivés
György Kivés
Post-Production Manager
Erika Köcsky
Erika Köcsky
Ilona Bárány
Ilona Bárány
Eli Laszlo Berger
Eli Laszlo Berger
Editing Colorist
Benedek Kabán
Benedek Kabán
Zoltán Varga
Zoltán Varga
Camera Still Photographer
Miklós Gáspár
Miklós Gáspár
Focus Puller
Árpád Horváth
Árpád Horváth
Assistant Camera
Csaba Tóth
Csaba Tóth
Tamás Pályi Kiss
Tamás Pályi Kiss
Best Boy Grip
József Buczkó
József Buczkó
Dolly Grip
Zsolt Jámbor
Zsolt Jámbor
Key Grip
Ernő Bacsics
Ernő Bacsics
Director of Photography
László Berger
László Berger
Eli Laszlo Berger
Eli Laszlo Berger
Lighting Lighting Technician
István Gyura
István Gyura
László Jenő Tóth
László Jenő Tóth
Chief Lighting Technician
Tibor Wéber
Tibor Wéber
Visual Effects Visual Effects
Csaba Juhász
Csaba Juhász
Department Role Name

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