Revenue: $0
Budget: $300
Profit: - $-300
Movie Details
Tag Line: My name is Nathanael, and today is like any other day...
Status: Released
Average Rating: 10
Release Date: Jun 12, 2015
Rating: 2015-06-12
Run Time: 12h 05m
Original Language: English
Website: Link
Production Countries: United Kingdom
Production Companies: University of Westminster
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Nathanael is not your everyday pizza boy. In fact, he works for none other than Death itself, bringing deadly deliveries to those whose time is up. But things become difficult when he is faced with his greatest challenge: his best friend.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Writing | Writer |
Amber Curtis
Sound | Sound Designer |
Thomas Hamblin
Art | Production Design |
Kajal Vaghela
Art Direction |
Poppy Templeton
Camera | Director of Photography |
Dylan Cargill
Camera Technician |
Ben Groves
Editing | Editor |
Peter Vaughan
Directing | Director |
Jamie Dixon
Production | Producer |
Pasha Kudinov
Location Manager |
Shelby Maddock
Department | Role | Name |