
TMDB Rating 7.3


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Oct 28, 2021

Rating: 2021-10-28

Run Time: 1h 40m

Original Language: Russian

Website: -

Production Countries: Russia

Production Companies: Parovoz Animation , Digital Russia




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It’s a magical story about the incredible adventures of the young warrior called Koshi. There is only one goal in his life – to defeat the White Shadow, a monster who made him an outcast. But everything changes when Koshi meets a young dryad and circus actress May. By chance the destiny of all fairy creatures ends up in their hands, and now they have to make a tough choice between their own lives and saving the world from Ancient Evil.

Main Cast

Nikita Volkov

Nikita Volkov

Koschey (voice)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 52%

Daniil Eldarov

Daniil Eldarov

Kladenets (voice)

Age : 43 | Popularity : 20%

Irina Starshenbaum

Irina Starshenbaum

May (voice)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 38%

Arseny Perel

Arseny Perel

Bao (voice)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 41%

Irina Medvedeva

Irina Medvedeva

Yaga (voice)

Age : 42 | Popularity : 13%

Yuriy Galtsev

Yuriy Galtsev

Water (voice)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 30%

Vladislav Vetrov

Vladislav Vetrov

Likho (voice)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 7%

Pavel Barshak

Pavel Barshak

Beloyar (voice)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%


Department Role Name
Production Producer
Marianna Galstukhova-Smetankina
Marianna Galstukhova-Smetankina
Anton Zlatopolskiy
Anton Zlatopolskiy
Tatyana Tsyvareva
Tatyana Tsyvareva
Evgeny Golovin
Evgeny Golovin
Dmitry Mednikov
Dmitry Mednikov
Anton Smetankin
Anton Smetankin
Robert Gndolyan
Robert Gndolyan
Writing Screenplay
Maria Parfyonova
Maria Parfyonova
Evgeny Golovin
Evgeny Golovin
Anton Lanshakov
Anton Lanshakov
Art Production Design
Andrey Osadchikh
Andrey Osadchikh
Tatyana Petrovska
Tatyana Petrovska
Andrey Romashikhin
Andrey Romashikhin
Directing Director
Andrey Kolpin
Andrey Kolpin
Sound Original Music Composer
Sergey Bogolyubsky
Sergey Bogolyubsky
Dariya Stavrovich
Dariya Stavrovich
Camera Director of Photography
Ivan Gudkov
Ivan Gudkov
Editing Editor
Olga Grinshpun
Olga Grinshpun
Department Role Name

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