Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 4
Release Date: Sep 26, 2003
Rating: 2003-09-26
Run Time: 2h 04m
Original Language: Spanish
Website: -
Production Countries: Anguilla , Spain , Italy , Cuba , Portugal , France , Canada , United Kingdom
Production Companies: Paragon Entertainment Corporation , Handmade Films , Continental Producciones , Tornasol Films , Ensueño Films
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On March 12, 1956, Basque Nationalist Jesús de Galíndez Suarez disappears from his apartment in New York, never heard from again. He had been working with the FBI and was about to publish a book critical of Dominican strongman, Trujillo. In 1988, a graduate student, Muriel Colber, wants to make Galíndez the subject of her dissertation. She's in Spain doing research; finding little, she goes to Santo Domingo. At every turn, the CIA, in the person of agent Robards, tries to thwart her; and, at each turn, as she considers abandoning the project, someone offers new information, often contradictory. She wants the truth behind the Galíndez mystery; will she find it?
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Gerardo Herrero
Production | Producer |
Gerardo Herrero
Javier López Blanco
Mariela Besuievsky
Patrick Cassavetti
Writing | Writer |
Ángeles González-Sinde
Luis Marías
Manuel Vázquez Montalbán
Sound | Music |
Patrick Doyle
Department | Role | Name |