

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

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Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Sep 28, 2013

Rating: 2013-09-28

Run Time: 12h 53m

Original Language: Icelandic

Website: -

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The small shop Verzlun H. Júlíusson in the town of Sauðárkrókur located in North Iceland. is not just a small grocery store but so much more. It is the last one of its kind in Iceland. Everyone entering the shop travels decades back in time. The 83 years old shopkeeper Bjarni Haraldsson sells a little bit of everything but hasn’t changed much in the store that was opened by his father in 1919. Most of the furniture in use dates back half a century as well as the old scales. One can buy everything from tea pots to packet soup, working pants and hinges to batteries, screws, and lollipops. Bjarni still serves customers, day by day. He chats a little bit with them and eventually goes hunting for something they might need.

Main Cast

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Department Role Name
Directing Director
Árni Gunnarsson
Árni Gunnarsson
Writing Screenplay
Árni Gunnarsson
Árni Gunnarsson
Stefán Friðrik Friðriksson
Stefán Friðrik Friðriksson
Camera Director of Photography
Editing Editor
Stefanía Thors
Stefanía Thors
Sound Music
Sigfús Arnar Benediktsson
Sigfús Arnar Benediktsson
Sound Designer
Eiríkur Hilmisson
Eiríkur Hilmisson
Gunnar Smári Helgason
Gunnar Smári Helgason
Production Producer
Sigríður Magnúsdóttir
Sigríður Magnúsdóttir
Árni Gunnarsson
Árni Gunnarsson
Department Role Name

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