Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line: Seeing is believing
Status: Released
Average Rating: 8
Release Date: Oct 14, 2011
Rating: 2011-10-14
Run Time: 1h 10m
Original Language: Spanish
Website: -
Production Countries: Mexico
Production Companies: BSX Records , Dos Corazones
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The story is focused on three characters who are in crisis: Monica, Mr Chema and Ms Cata. When they feel the necessity of going to church they meet wach other and their lifes change. Under the tutelage of guardian angels, they will understand the true meaning of the Mass, the constant struggle between good and evil and the triumph of faith and hope.
Department | Role | Name |
Production | Producer |
Pablo José Barroso
Production Director |
Claudia Nemer
Sound | Music |
Mark McKenzie
Visual Effects | Animation Director |
Patricia García Peña
Editing | Editor |
Rafael Rivera Gamino
Art | Art Direction |
Alberto Binetti Randieri
Patricia García Peña
Writing | Screenplay |
Luis de Velasco M.
Storyboard |
Ana Mary Ramos
Directing | Director |
Bruce Morris
Department | Role | Name |