
TMDB Rating 5.3


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 5

Release Date: Dec 5, 1977

Rating: 1977-12-05

Run Time: 1h 30m

Original Language: Romanian

Website: -

Production Countries: Romania

Production Companies:




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After refusing to compromise at his job, a university professor leaves the city and returns to his native village for the first time in many years.

Main Cast

Florin Zamfirescu

Florin Zamfirescu

profesorul Ștefan Corici

Age : 75 | Popularity : 9%

Octavian Cotescu

Octavian Cotescu

inspectorul Ghimboașă

Age : 54 | Popularity : 10%

Vasile Nițulescu

Vasile Nițulescu

țăranul Serafim Corici, tatăl lui Ștefan

Age : N/A | Popularity : 1%

Mihai Pălădescu

Mihai Pălădescu

profesorul Tudor Nedelcu, directorul școlii

Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

Ion Caramitru

Ion Caramitru

profesorul Viorel Meteș

Age : N/A | Popularity : 7%

Ernest Maftei

Ernest Maftei

moș Poldi

Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%

Paul Lavric

Paul Lavric

nea Vasile, președintele Sfatului Popular Comunal

Age : N/A | Popularity : 2%

Mariana Cabanov

Mariana Cabanov


Age : N/A | Popularity : 2%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Stere Gulea
Stere Gulea
Writing Writer
Ioan Grigorescu
Ioan Grigorescu
Sorin Titel
Sorin Titel
Art Production Design
Vasile Rotaru
Vasile Rotaru
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Gabriela Lăzărescu
Gabriela Lăzărescu
Makeup Artist
Eva Vajda
Eva Vajda
Production Delegated Producer
Platon Pardău
Platon Pardău
Corneliu Leu
Corneliu Leu
Editing Editor
Adriana Ionescu
Adriana Ionescu
Crew Cinematography
Valentin Ducaru
Valentin Ducaru
Sound Music
Radu Șerban
Radu Șerban
Department Role Name

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