
TMDB Rating 6


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Jan 1, 2004

Rating: 2004-01-01

Run Time: 12h 13m

Original Language: Ukrainian

Website: -

Production Countries: Ukraine

Production Companies: Ukranimafilm



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A fairy tale about a town where all creatures and even nature consist of watch mechanisms. Trash scattered on the sidewalk, animals, birds, trees and the local population looks a bit like a robot – all this consists of a lot of details and diagrams. A watchmaker helps them all, the only man of flesh and blood in this country. As if being a doctor, he accepts those who have any complaints. Life goes on, until one day the unexpected happens.

Main Cast

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Department Role Name
Directing Director
Oleh Pedan
Oleh Pedan
Writing Screenplay
Oleh Pedan
Oleh Pedan
Script Editor
Svitlana Kutsenko
Svitlana Kutsenko
Art Art Direction
Ihor Kotkov
Ihor Kotkov
Sound Original Music Composer
Volodymyr Huba
Volodymyr Huba
Sound Director
Nataliya Varnavska
Nataliya Varnavska
Camera Director of Photography
Oleksandr Nikolaienko
Oleksandr Nikolaienko
Ihor Kryvonos
Ihor Kryvonos
Department Role Name

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