
MetaCritic Rating 80%
TMDB Rating 6.9
IMDB Rating 7.1
RottenTomatoes Rating 96%


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Nov 13, 2013

Rating: 2013-09-29

Run Time: 3h 39m

Original Language: French

Website: -

Production Countries: Austria , France

Production Companies: Dor Film , Synecdoche , Le Pacte , Les Films Aleph , France 3 Cinéma




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A place: Theresienstadt. A unique place of propaganda which Adolf Eichmann called the "model ghetto", designed to mislead the world and Jewish people regarding its real nature, to be the last step before the gas chamber. A man: Benjamin Murmelstein, last president of the Theresienstadt Jewish Council, a fallen hero condemned to exile, who was forced to negotiate day after day from 1938 until the end of the war with Eichmann, to whose trial Murmelstein wasn't even called to testify. Even though he was without a doubt the one who knew the Nazi executioner best. More than twenty-five years after Shoah, Claude Lanzmann's new film reveals a little-known yet fundamental aspect of the Holocaust, and sheds light on the origins of the "Final Solution" like never before.

Main Cast

Benjamin Murmelstein

Benjamin Murmelstein


Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

Claude Lanzmann

Claude Lanzmann

Self - Interviewer

Age : 92 | Popularity : 17%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Claude Lanzmann
Claude Lanzmann
Writing Writer
Claude Lanzmann
Claude Lanzmann
Production Producer
Kurt Stocker
Kurt Stocker
Danny Krausz
Danny Krausz
Jean Labadie
Jean Labadie
David Frenkel
David Frenkel
Editing Editor
Chantal Hymans
Chantal Hymans
Camera Director of Photography
Caroline Champetier
Caroline Champetier
William Lubtchansky
William Lubtchansky
Department Role Name

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