
TMDB Rating 6.3
IMDB Rating 7.8


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line: Once a kingdom built on place and the lost art of muay thai was conquered.

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Jan 11, 2018

Rating: 2018-01-11

Run Time: 1h 50m

Original Language: Thai

Website: Link

Production Countries: Thailand

Production Companies: Exformat Films




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When the mystical kingdom of Ramathep is besieged by a monstrous army of Yaksa Clan, the faith of the kingdom lies in a young Muay Thai warrior determined to use a sacred weapon -the 9th Satra- to restore peace to the kingdom.

Main Cast

Typhoon Kanokchat Munyadon

Typhoon Kanokchat Munyadon

Ott (Voice)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%

Savitree Suttichanond

Savitree Suttichanond

Xiao Lan (voice)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%

Sirichai Charoenkijtanakul

Sirichai Charoenkijtanakul

Red Asura (voice)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Rachphol Yamsaeng

Rachphol Yamsaeng

Vata (voice)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Vorarit Fuangarome

Vorarit Fuangarome

Dehayaksa (voice)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 19%

Nimit Luksameepong

Nimit Luksameepong

Black Jager (voice)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 28%

Dhamakara Jakraworawut

Dhamakara Jakraworawut

General Pann (voice)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Konthorn Taecholarn

Konthorn Taecholarn

Laung Rueng (voice)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Writing Screenplay
Daraka Wongsiri
Daraka Wongsiri
Nat Yoswatananont
Nat Yoswatananont
Bryan Edward Hill
Bryan Edward Hill
Suphakorn Riansuwan
Suphakorn Riansuwan
Nat Yoswatananont
Nat Yoswatananont
Production Producer
Sirot Setabandhu
Sirot Setabandhu
Apisek Wongvasu
Apisek Wongvasu
Phusanut Karunwongwat
Phusanut Karunwongwat
Krit Kasemsant
Krit Kasemsant
Pongsa Kornsri
Pongsa Kornsri
Production Coordinator
Rujapha Sattawongsakul
Rujapha Sattawongsakul
Sound Sound Editor
Richard Hocks
Richard Hocks
Scoring Mixer
Luke Imbusch
Luke Imbusch
Sound Effects Editor
Warren Santiago
Warren Santiago
Ryan Shore
Ryan Shore
Sound Designer
Nakorn Kositpaisain
Nakorn Kositpaisain
Visual Effects Lead Animator
Tikumporn Teepapal
Tikumporn Teepapal
Weerapong Jangsombatsiri
Weerapong Jangsombatsiri
Jirachai Phipathanapaiboon
Jirachai Phipathanapaiboon
Thanet Phittayaphanurak
Thanet Phittayaphanurak
Sorasin Taweelap
Sorasin Taweelap
Chanate Kungsapiwattana
Chanate Kungsapiwattana
Directing Director
Gun Phansuwon
Gun Phansuwon
Nat Yoswatananont
Nat Yoswatananont
Department Role Name

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