Revenue: $0
Budget: $19,000
Profit: - $-19,000
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: Aug 30, 2018
Rating: 2018-08-30
Run Time: 1h 32m
Original Language: English
Website: Link
Production Countries: Canada
Production Companies: Depanneur Films
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A formerly successful Montreal musician trudges through the darkest days of winter, armed with a backpack full of weed and a repertoire of Alanis Morissette covers. Dogged by her ex-band mate’s new hit song, Jaine mourns the loss of her career, her band and her self respect. In the heart of the city’s independent music scene, the snow covered Plateau, Jaine encounters both allies and obstacles, including her best friend-slash-roommate Mari, her married ex-lover-slash- manager David, and her charming new customer-slash-potential love interest, Darren. When a glittering opportunity in the Emerald City of Toronto threatens to lure her into a shiny new life, Jaine struggles to sever old ties. Her ex wants her to move on, her mom wants her to move to Toronto, her best friend wants things to stay the same forever, and her clients just want weed, but Jaine has other plans.
Department | Role | Name |
Production | Producer |
Liz Singh
Clare Raspopow
Associate Producer |
Lily Dionne-Jermanovich
Nikki Shaffeeullah
Co-Producer |
Amanda Murphy
Directing | Director |
Liz Singh
Writing | Writer |
Liz Singh
Camera | Director of Photography |
Surah Field-Green
Editing | Editor |
Lily Alexandre
Art | Production Design |
Negar Adibpour
Sound | Supervising Sound Editor |
Olivier Germain
Sound Editor |
Daniel Jacques Letourneau
Nick Schofield
Sound Mixer |
Olivier Germain
Sound Recordist |
Léa Marinova
Music |
Patrick Steele
Visual Effects | Animation |
Armando Lopez Bircann
Department | Role | Name |