
TMDB Rating 5.9
IMDB Rating 7.2


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line: Nothing is harder to find than lost love

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Sep 18, 2020

Rating: 2020-09-18

Run Time: 1h 35m

Original Language: French

Website: Link

Production Countries: United Kingdom

Production Companies: Open Palm Films , Rather Good Films




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The Man In The Hat sets off from Marseilles in a small Fiat 500. On the seat beside him is a framed photograph of an unknown woman. Behind him is a 2CV into which is squeezed Five Bald Men. Why are they chasing him? And how can he shake them off? As he travels North through France, he encounters razeteurs, women with stories to tell, bullfights, plenty of delicious food, a damp man, mechanics, nuns, a convention of Chrystallographers and much more, coming face to face with the vivid eccentricities of an old country.

Main Cast

Ciarán Hinds

Ciarán Hinds

The Man In The Hat

Age : N/A | Popularity : 100%

Stephen Dillane

Stephen Dillane

The Damp Man

Age : N/A | Popularity : 91%




Age : N/A | Popularity : 71%

Amit Shah

Amit Shah

Man Measurer

Age : N/A | Popularity : 49%

Brigitte Roüan

Brigitte Roüan

Hotel Manager

Age : N/A | Popularity : 28%

Mark Padmore

Mark Padmore

Singing Man

Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

Claire Tran

Claire Tran


Age : N/A | Popularity : 30%

Joseph Marcell

Joseph Marcell

Old Man

Age : N/A | Popularity : 58%


Department Role Name
Editing Editor
Peter Boyle
Peter Boyle
Camera Director of Photography
Kanamé Onoyama
Kanamé Onoyama
Costume & Make-Up Hair Designer
Pascale Recher
Pascale Recher
Makeup Designer
Pascale Recher
Pascale Recher
Costume Design
Cécile van Dijk
Cécile van Dijk
Directing Director
Stephen Warbeck
Stephen Warbeck
John-Paul Davidson
John-Paul Davidson
Writing Writer
John-Paul Davidson
John-Paul Davidson
Stephen Warbeck
Stephen Warbeck
Production Casting Director
Nanw Rowlands
Nanw Rowlands
Daniel-Konrad Cooper
Daniel-Konrad Cooper
Dominic Dromgoole
Dominic Dromgoole
Art Production Design
Caroline Steiner
Caroline Steiner
Department Role Name

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