
TMDB Rating 8


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 8

Release Date: Jan 2, 2008

Rating: 2008-01-02

Run Time: 1h 41m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: United Kingdom

Production Companies: Lansdowne Productions , Scottish Documentary Institute




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The film was produced by Nick Higgins from Lansdowne Productions and Noémie Mendelle from the Scottish Documentary Institute and has 10 film-chapter directors for each of the 10 chapters of the film. The film's unifying theme is human rights in Scotland with each chapter illustrating one of the "New Ten Commandments" - 10 articles chosen from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The 10 film chapters of The New Ten Commandments 1. The Right to Freedom of Assembly - Dir, David Graham Scott 2. The Right not to be enslaved - Dir, Nick Higgins 3. The Right to a fair trial - Dir, Sana Bilgrami 4. The Right to freedom of expression - Dir, Doug Aubrey 5. The Right to life - Dir, Kenny Glenaan 6. The Right to liberty - Dir, Irvine Welsh & Mark Cousins 7. The Right not to be tortured - Dir, Douglas Gordon 8. The Right to asylum - Dir, Anna Jones 9. The Right to privacy - Dir, Alice Nelson 10. The Right to freedom of thought - Dir, Mark Cousins & Tilda Swinton.

Main Cast

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Department Role Name
Directing Director
Mark Cousins
Mark Cousins
Irvine Welsh
Irvine Welsh
Douglas Gordon
Douglas Gordon
Alice Nelson
Alice Nelson
Anna Jones
Anna Jones
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Nick Higgins
Nick Higgins
Doug Aubrey
Doug Aubrey
Sana Bilgrami
Sana Bilgrami
Kenneth Glenaan
Kenneth Glenaan
David Graham Scott
David Graham Scott
Production Producer
Nick Higgins
Nick Higgins
Executive Producer
Carole Sheridan
Carole Sheridan
Ewan Angus
Ewan Angus
Sound Music
Jim Sutherland
Jim Sutherland
Alex Ashcroft
Alex Ashcroft
Marcelo de Oliveira
Marcelo de Oliveira
Becky Thomson
Becky Thomson
Sound Mixer
John Cobban
John Cobban
Camera Director of Photography
Ian Dodds
Ian Dodds
George Geddes
George Geddes
Minttu Maari Mantynen
Minttu Maari Mantynen
Scott Ward
Scott Ward
Editing Editor
Patricia Gomes
Patricia Gomes
Klaus Heinecke
Klaus Heinecke
Timo Langer
Timo Langer
Aldo Palumbo
Aldo Palumbo
Department Role Name

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