
TMDB Rating 6
IMDB Rating 5.9
RottenTomatoes Rating 67%


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Oct 26, 1970

Rating: 1970-10-26

Run Time: 1h 30m

Original Language: German

Website: -

Production Countries: Germany

Production Companies: Janus Film und Fernsehen , WDR




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Can a small group of people start a proletarian revolution, asks the "Black Monk" in a leather jacket. The medieval shepherd, Hans Boehm, claims to have been called by the Virgin Mary to create a revolt against the church and the landowners. The "Black Monk" suggests that he would have more success if he dressed up Johanna and had her appear as the Virgin Mary.

Main Cast

Michael König

Michael König

Hans Boehm

Age : 77 | Popularity : 14%

Hanna Schygulla

Hanna Schygulla


Age : N/A | Popularity : 97%

Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Schwarzer Mönch

Age : 37 | Popularity : 31%

Margit Carstensen

Margit Carstensen


Age : N/A | Popularity : 32%

Walter Sedlmayr

Walter Sedlmayr


Age : 64 | Popularity : 28%

Günther Kaufmann

Günther Kaufmann


Age : N/A | Popularity : 36%

Kurt Raab

Kurt Raab


Age : N/A | Popularity : 49%

Ingrid Caven

Ingrid Caven

Schreiendes Mädchen

Age : N/A | Popularity : 32%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Michael Fengler
Michael Fengler
Assistant Director
Harry Baer
Harry Baer
Writing Writer
Michael Fengler
Michael Fengler
Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Sound Original Music Composer
Peer Raben
Peer Raben
Camera Director of Photography
Dietrich Lohmann
Dietrich Lohmann
Editing Editor
Thea Eymèsz
Thea Eymèsz
Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Art Production Design
Kurt Raab
Kurt Raab
Department Role Name

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