
TMDB Rating 5.6
IMDB Rating 7.1


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Nov 18, 1976

Rating: 1976-11-18

Run Time: 1h 41m

Original Language: Spanish

Website: -

Production Countries: Mexico

Production Companies: Dasa Films S.A. , Conacine , Corporación Nacional Cinematográfica (CONACINE)




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Berenice is a young woman with traditional customs who lives with her godmother in a quiet provincial town. The appearance of Rodrigo in his life will cause him a profound and unusual transformation. The calm without major shocks in Aguascalientes turns out to be just a disguise, an illusory cover-up of what will really happen.

Main Cast

Pedro Armendáriz Jr.

Pedro Armendáriz Jr.

Rodrigo Robles

Age : 71 | Popularity : 50%

Martha Navarro

Martha Navarro

Berenice Bejarano

Age : N/A | Popularity : 10%

Blanca Torres

Blanca Torres


Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%

Emma Roldán

Emma Roldán


Age : N/A | Popularity : 15%

Magnolia Rivas

Magnolia Rivas

Cuquita Andrade

Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%

Manuel Ojeda

Manuel Ojeda


Age : N/A | Popularity : 18%

María Guadalupe Delgado

María Guadalupe Delgado

Praying woman

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Evangelina Martínez

Evangelina Martínez

Miss Linares

Age : N/A | Popularity : 10%


Department Role Name
Writing Screenplay
Jaime Humberto Hermosillo
Jaime Humberto Hermosillo
José Emilio Pacheco
José Emilio Pacheco
Directing Director
Jaime Humberto Hermosillo
Jaime Humberto Hermosillo
Camera Director of Photography
Rosalío Solano
Rosalío Solano
Sound Music
Joaquín Gutiérrez Heras
Joaquín Gutiérrez Heras
José B. Carles
José B. Carles
Editing Editor
Rafael Ceballos
Rafael Ceballos
Art Production Design
Lucero Isaac
Lucero Isaac
Set Decoration
José Gonzalez
José Gonzalez
Costume & Make-Up Makeup Artist
Elda Loza
Elda Loza
Teresa Sánchez
Teresa Sánchez
Production Production Manager
Roberto Lozoya
Roberto Lozoya
Department Role Name

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