Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 2
Release Date: Jun 6, 2003
Rating: 2003-06-06
Run Time: 1h 40m
Original Language: Spanish
Website: -
Production Countries: Chile , Spain
Production Companies: Orbis Producciones , In Vitro
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In 1962, a photographer working for a crime reports newspaper in Valparaiso, Chile, is obsessed with creating a photo novel that will revolutionize the art world. Helped by its neighbors, humiliated by their producers, but determined to make his ambitious project a reality, the photographer will betray -one after another- their unusual theories, neighbors, colleagues, their love and finally himself.
Department | Role | Name |
Production | Executive Producer |
Luciano Tarifeño
Art | Art Direction |
Sebastián Alarcón
Assistant Art Director |
Colomba Rodrigo
Camera | Director of Photography |
Lomer Ajvlediani
Assistant Camera |
José Miguel Zúñiga
Sound | Sound Engineer |
David Cuerpo
Raimond Radzajs
Sound Designer |
Sebastián Alarcón
Original Music Composer |
Horacio Salinas
Directing | Director |
Sebastián Alarcón
Assistant Director |
Daniela González
Editing | Editor |
Sebastián Alarcón
Writing | Screenplay |
Alexander Abadashian
Sebastián Alarcón
Department | Role | Name |