
TMDB Rating 5.5


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Dec 25, 1949

Rating: 1949-12-25

Run Time: 1h 34m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: Italy , United States of America

Production Companies: AFA , Industrie Cinematografice Sociali (ICS)




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A group of men calling themselves 'The Pirates of Capri", headed by Captain Sirroco, who is really Count Amalfi, are trying to restore freedom to the people of Naples. The Queen is advised of the pirate's assault of a member of her court and she seeks to escape to Palermo. But, she is advised it would be good politics for her to attend a ball Amalfi is giving for his fiancée, Mercedes, who is unaware of the dual role Amalfi is playing.

Main Cast

Louis Hayward

Louis Hayward

Count Amalfi

Age : 75 | Popularity : 23%

Binnie Barnes

Binnie Barnes

Queen Maria Carolina

Age : 95 | Popularity : 22%

Mariella Lotti

Mariella Lotti

Mercedes Villalta Lopez

Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%

Massimo Serato

Massimo Serato

Baron Holstein

Age : N/A | Popularity : 38%

Alan Curtis

Alan Curtis

Commodore Van Diel

Age : 43 | Popularity : 13%

Mikhail Rasumny

Mikhail Rasumny


Age : 65 | Popularity : 11%

Virginia Belmont

Virginia Belmont


Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%

Franca Marzi

Franca Marzi


Age : 62 | Popularity : 10%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Edgar G. Ulmer
Edgar G. Ulmer
Giuseppe Maria Scotese
Giuseppe Maria Scotese
Assistant Director
Valentino Bruchi
Valentino Bruchi
Golfiero Colonna
Golfiero Colonna
Giorgio Moser
Giorgio Moser
Script Supervisor
Shirley Ulmer
Shirley Ulmer
Production Producer
Victor Pahlen
Victor Pahlen
Rudolph Monter
Rudolph Monter
Executive Producer
Niccolò Theodoli
Niccolò Theodoli
Editing Editor
Renzo Lucidi
Renzo Lucidi
Writing Original Story
Giorgio Moser
Giorgio Moser
Golfiero Colonna
Golfiero Colonna
Bruno Valeri
Bruno Valeri
Sidney Alexander
Sidney Alexander
Golfiero Colonna
Golfiero Colonna
Giorgio Moser
Giorgio Moser
Bruno Valeri
Bruno Valeri
Sound Original Music Composer
Nino Rota
Nino Rota
Vittorio Trentino
Vittorio Trentino
Franco Ferrara
Franco Ferrara
Camera Director of Photography
Anchise Brizzi
Anchise Brizzi
Art Art Direction
Guido Fiorini
Guido Fiorini
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Maria Baroni
Maria Baroni
Dario Cecchi
Dario Cecchi
Makeup Artist
Guglielmo Bonotti
Guglielmo Bonotti
Department Role Name

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