
TMDB Rating 6


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Oct 26, 1993

Rating: 1994-01-11

Run Time: 1h 45m

Original Language: German

Website: -

Production Countries: Austria

Production Companies: ORF




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The disabled ex-soldier Andreas Pum lost a leg for emperor and father land. After leaving the army he receives a license and a drehorgel. One day he gets into a controversy with a welldressed gentleman, disturbs the public order, and hits a policeman. Andreas Pum goes to jail, loses his license and becomes toilet guard in the Cafe Halali after his release. Only at the moment of death he recognizes that he was always too decent and too obedient.

Main Cast

Branko Samarovski

Branko Samarovski

Andreas Pum

Age : 85 | Popularity : 27%

Thierry van Werveke

Thierry van Werveke


Age : N/A | Popularity : 16%

August Schmölzer

August Schmölzer

Vinzenz Topp

Age : N/A | Popularity : 19%

Johannes Silberschneider

Johannes Silberschneider

Age : 66 | Popularity : 30%

Ulrich Reinthaller

Ulrich Reinthaller

Age : N/A | Popularity : 18%

Christian Spatzek

Christian Spatzek

Age : 68 | Popularity : 14%

Georges Kern

Georges Kern

Age : N/A | Popularity : 12%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Michael Haneke
Michael Haneke
Writing Writer
Michael Haneke
Michael Haneke
Joseph Roth
Joseph Roth
Editing Editor
Marie Homolkova
Marie Homolkova
Sound Sound
Karl Schlifelner
Karl Schlifelner
Production Unit Manager
Alfred Strobl
Alfred Strobl
Lucky Englander
Lucky Englander
Fritz Fleischhacker
Fritz Fleischhacker
Costume & Make-Up Makeup Artist
Claudia Herold
Claudia Herold
Costume Design
Erika Navas
Erika Navas
Art Production Design
Christoph Kanter
Christoph Kanter
Camera Director of Photography
Jiří Štíbr
Jiří Štíbr
Department Role Name

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