Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 7
Release Date: Nov 4, 1932
Rating: 1933-05-25
Run Time: 1h 31m
Original Language: French
Website: -
Production Countries: France
Production Companies: Les Films Marcel Vandal et Charles Delac , Département de la Charente , Cinémathèque de Toulouse , Cinémathèque Française
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A red-haired boy is his mother's punching bag; only his father's presence is a great comfort to him, but this weak man is under the shrew's thumb. His pain is so great he feels suicidal.
Department | Role | Name |
Writing | Novel |
Jules Renard
Screenplay |
Julien Duvivier
Directing | Director |
Julien Duvivier
Assistant Director |
Ary Sadoul
Gilbert de Kniff
Sound | Sound |
Lucy Sarrazin
Roger Handjian
Original Music Composer |
Alexander Tansman
Conductor |
Roger Desormière
Editing | Editor |
Marthe Poncin
Art | Art Direction |
Lucien Aguettand
Lucien Carré
Production | Production Manager |
Charles Delac
Marcel Vandal
Camera | Director of Photography |
Armand Thirard
Department | Role | Name |