
TMDB Rating 6.6
IMDB Rating 7


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Mar 1, 2010

Rating: 2010-03-01

Run Time: 1h 30m

Original Language: English

Website: Link

Production Countries: United Kingdom

Production Companies: Oxford Film and Television




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A lesbian in the 1800s who keeps a detailed account of her life written in coded diaries attempts to live independently while juggling an affair with a married woman.

Main Cast

Maxine Peake

Maxine Peake

Anne Lister

Age : N/A | Popularity : 33%

Anna Madeley

Anna Madeley

Mariana Belcombe

Age : N/A | Popularity : 36%

Susan Lynch

Susan Lynch

Isabella Norcliffe

Age : 53 | Popularity : 79%

Christine Bottomley

Christine Bottomley

Ann Walker

Age : 45 | Popularity : 45%

Gemma Jones

Gemma Jones

Aunt Lister

Age : N/A | Popularity : 83%

Alan David

Alan David

Uncle Lister

Age : N/A | Popularity : 13%

Richenda Carey

Richenda Carey

Mrs Priestley

Age : 76 | Popularity : 25%

Michael Culkin

Michael Culkin

Charles Lawton

Age : N/A | Popularity : 43%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
James Kent
James Kent
First Assistant Director
Lee Trevor
Lee Trevor
Second Assistant Director
James Mountain
James Mountain
Third Assistant Director
Gemma Nunn
Gemma Nunn
Will Cummins
Will Cummins
Script Supervisor
Jane Burrows
Jane Burrows
Writing Writer
Jane English
Jane English
Production Producer
Mark Bentley
Mark Bentley
Location Manager
Luc Webster
Luc Webster
Production Coordinator
Amy Mobley
Amy Mobley
Unit Manager
Matthew Bowden
Matthew Bowden
Production Accountant
Charles Bates
Charles Bates
Emma McClelland
Emma McClelland
Production Secretary
Kelly Lawlor
Kelly Lawlor
Line Producer
Geraldine Hawkins
Geraldine Hawkins
Michelle Smith
Michelle Smith
Executive Producer
Nicolas Kent
Nicolas Kent
Simon Rockell
Simon Rockell
Sound Music
Avshalom Caspi
Avshalom Caspi
Boom Operator
Dan Dewsnap
Dan Dewsnap
Dialogue Editor
Philip Barnes
Philip Barnes
Sound Effects Editor
Wayne Brooks
Wayne Brooks
Sound Mixer
John Pearson
John Pearson
Editing Editor
Ben Lester
Ben Lester
Paul Staples
Paul Staples
Camera First Assistant Camera
Steven Gardner
Steven Gardner
Second Assistant Camera
Kim Vinegrad
Kim Vinegrad
Anthony Ward
Anthony Ward
Director of Photography
Lukas Strebel
Lukas Strebel
Lighting Gaffer
Christoph Schobert
Christoph Schobert
Art Art Direction
Richard Downes
Richard Downes
Property Buyer
Ussal Kalyoncu Smithers
Ussal Kalyoncu Smithers
Property Master
Noel Cowell
Noel Cowell
Production Design
Chris Truelove
Chris Truelove
Costume & Make-Up Costume Supervisor
Joanne Evans
Joanne Evans
Makeup Supervisor
Caroline Greenough
Caroline Greenough
Hair Supervisor
Caroline Greenough
Caroline Greenough
Makeup Designer
Joyce Dean
Joyce Dean
Hair Designer
Joyce Dean
Joyce Dean
Costume Design
Theresa Rymer
Theresa Rymer
Crew Stunt Coordinator
Elaine Ford
Elaine Ford
Department Role Name

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