
TMDB Rating 5


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 5

Release Date: Feb 4, 1968

Rating: 1968-02-04

Run Time: 12h 27m

Original Language: Polish

Website: -

Production Countries: Poland

Production Companies: Zespół Filmowy "Studio"




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A journalist is preparing to take a train trip, when he is confronted by the spirit of professor Ryszpans who tells what happened to him. When he boarded a train standing on a siding, he encountered trackman Wiór with a newspaper informing about the crash of the train and the death of several passengers, including professor Ryszpans. The professor is joined by engineer Zniesławski, who has also heard of the impending disaster and is interested in it from the technical side. On hearing the news of an approaching catastrophe, other passengers leave the train in panic at the next station. However, trackman Wiór manages to hypnotize several travelers who continue with the journey. Ryszpans hears a roar and sees objects crumbling around him, and then turns into a shadow. After hearing the story, the journalist resigns from his train trip.

Main Cast

Jacek Woszczerowicz

Jacek Woszczerowicz

Wawrzyniec Wiór

Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

Jan Koecher

Jan Koecher

Professor Edward Ryszpans

Age : N/A | Popularity : 2%

Kazimierz Rudzki

Kazimierz Rudzki


Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%

Ryszard Pietruski

Ryszard Pietruski

Engineer Zniesławski

Age : 73 | Popularity : 7%

Zofia Jamry

Zofia Jamry

Blonde Passenger

Age : N/A | Popularity : 12%

Lech Ordon

Lech Ordon

Laughing Passenger

Age : N/A | Popularity : 12%

Wojciech Zagórski

Wojciech Zagórski


Age : N/A | Popularity : 2%

Jadwiga Wejcman

Jadwiga Wejcman

Passenger with a Doll

Age : 61 | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Ryszard Ber
Ryszard Ber
Assistant Director
Maria Starzeńska
Maria Starzeńska
Janusz Łęski
Janusz Łęski
B. Dittwald
B. Dittwald
Camera Director of Photography
Tadeusz Wieżan
Tadeusz Wieżan
Assistant Camera
Kazimierz Madejski
Kazimierz Madejski
Józef Bakalarski
Józef Bakalarski
Józef Kasprzak
Józef Kasprzak
Art Production Design
Tadeusz Wybult
Tadeusz Wybult
Set Decoration
Leonard Mokicz
Leonard Mokicz
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Jerzy Szeski
Jerzy Szeski
Makeup Artist
Romualda Baszkiewicz
Romualda Baszkiewicz
Costume Assistant
Teresa Tyburska
Teresa Tyburska
Assistant Makeup Artist
M. Dworakowska
M. Dworakowska
Sound Sound
Małgorzata Jaworska
Małgorzata Jaworska
Sound Assistant
Zbigniew Kowalczyk
Zbigniew Kowalczyk
Editing Editor
Tomira Matyjaszkiewicz
Tomira Matyjaszkiewicz
Assistant Editor
Irena Jasińska
Irena Jasińska
Production Assistant Production Manager
Edward Kłosowicz
Edward Kłosowicz
Tomasz Miernowski
Tomasz Miernowski
Production Manager
Jan Szymański
Jan Szymański
Writing Short Story
Stefan Grabiński
Stefan Grabiński
Krzysztof Teodor Toeplitz
Krzysztof Teodor Toeplitz
Department Role Name

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