

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Dec 11, 2005

Rating: 2005-12-11

Run Time: 1h 58m

Original Language: langcode.id

Website: -

Production Countries: Indonesia

Production Companies: MVP Pictures




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Cairo, Baby Blue, Arimbi, and Farlyna are a soulmates. They think they have a connection each other and it's reveals from when they are have a boyfriend. Unknowingly by them, the quartet share their love to one person named Bumi, a man who can adapted of their different personality. He recently shares his love to only one woman with tragic past and trauma named Cempaka. Cempaka always been a weirs-act or something like that. But, when all of women pregnant, the problems shown and will end in a disturbing answer.

Main Cast

Dian Sastrowardoyo

Dian Sastrowardoyo


Age : 42 | Popularity : 15%

Rachel Maryam

Rachel Maryam


Age : 44 | Popularity : 8%

Marcella Zalianty

Marcella Zalianty


Age : N/A | Popularity : 16%

Nirina Zubir

Nirina Zubir

Baby Blue

Age : N/A | Popularity : 13%

Dinna Olivia

Dinna Olivia


Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

Alexander Wiguna

Alexander Wiguna


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Ria Irawan

Ria Irawan


Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%

Indah Kalalo

Indah Kalalo

dr. Katrina

Age : N/A | Popularity : 7%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Sekar Ayu Asmara
Sekar Ayu Asmara
First Assistant Director
Sugeng Wahyudi
Sugeng Wahyudi
Second Assistant Director
Evi Indriyanti
Evi Indriyanti
Writing Screenplay
Sekar Ayu Asmara
Sekar Ayu Asmara
Indra Loebis
Indra Loebis
Camera Director of Photography
Roy Lolang
Roy Lolang
Production Executive Producer
Gobind Punjabi
Gobind Punjabi
Wicky V. Olindo
Wicky V. Olindo
Raam Punjabi
Raam Punjabi
Supervising Producer
Hartawan Triguna
Hartawan Triguna
Line Producer
Tia Hasibuan
Tia Hasibuan
Production Coordinator
Hasrafli Syarif
Hasrafli Syarif
Adrian Utama
Adrian Utama
Post Production Coordinator
Erly N. Senjaya
Erly N. Senjaya
Unit Manager
Ferry Ardiyan
Ferry Ardiyan
Production Secretary
Carolina Minalia
Carolina Minalia
Production Accountant
Ferdinand Siagian
Ferdinand Siagian
Art Creative Director
Raakhee Punjabi
Raakhee Punjabi
Art Direction
Iri Supit
Iri Supit
Assistant Art Director
Ibnu Darmawan
Ibnu Darmawan
Editing Editor
Bayu Pamungkas
Bayu Pamungkas
Sound Music Director
Andi Rianto
Andi Rianto
Sound Designer
Satrio Budiono
Satrio Budiono
Handi Ilfat Ibrahim
Handi Ilfat Ibrahim
Costume & Make-Up Costume Designer
Ichwan H. Thoha
Ichwan H. Thoha
Makeup Artist
Ariya Gunawan
Ariya Gunawan
Department Role Name

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