
TMDB Rating 6


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Jun 16, 2018

Rating: 2018-06-16

Run Time: 1h 22m

Original Language: French

Website: -

Production Countries: France

Production Companies: Terminal 9 , France Télévisions




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The Sun was born way before Man existed. What exact role did the Sun play in the emergence of life and Mankind? When did Humanity identify it? Then deify it? At what point did Man want to understand it? When and how was the Sun used by Man? The Sun is everywhere and is the origin of everything. We are going to show that our culture, our daily lives, our society, our bodies and our lifestyles are all derived from the Sun and are dependent on the Sun. We will go back in time, go back in history to understand the relationship between Man and the Sun.

Main Cast

Coralie Miller

Coralie Miller


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

François Barré

François Barré


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Hélène Le Meur

Hélène Le Meur


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Alexis Victor

Alexis Victor


Age : N/A | Popularity : 14%


Department Role Name
Sound Sound
Witold Kubek
Witold Kubek
Editing Assistant Editor
Charles Michel
Charles Michel
Remy Chartier
Remy Chartier
Sébastien Dufour
Sébastien Dufour
Color Grading
Olivier Nainfa
Olivier Nainfa
Production Producer
Benjamin Duroux
Benjamin Duroux
Audrey Cuevas
Audrey Cuevas
Mathilde Mounier
Mathilde Mounier
Claude Lacaze
Claude Lacaze
Agathe Boussard
Agathe Boussard
Céline Rafestin
Céline Rafestin
Production Director
Matthieu Duplan
Matthieu Duplan
Writing Writer
François Barré
François Barré
Hélène Le Meur
Hélène Le Meur
Crew Documentation & Support
Laurence Lebon
Laurence Lebon
Mixing Engineer
Cesar Postel-Vinay
Cesar Postel-Vinay
Directing Director
François Barré
François Barré
Department Role Name

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