Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line: A natural history of animal behavior
Status: Released
Average Rating: 9
Release Date: Oct 3, 1990
Rating: 1990-10-03
Run Time: 11h 00m
Original Language: English
Website: -
Production Countries: United Kingdom
Production Companies: BBC , BBC Studios Natural History Unit
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Each of the twelve 50-minute episodes features a different aspect of the journey through life, from birth to adulthood and continuation of the species through reproduction.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Mike Gunton
Production | Executive Producer |
Peter Jones
Producer |
Peter Jones
Alastair Fothergill
Mike Gunton
Marion Zunz
Keenan Smart
Unit Manager |
Rita Morris
Researcher |
Nick Upton
Chris McFarling
Rupert Barrington
Neil Lucas
Sarah Byatt
Jan Aldenhoven
Production Assistant |
Diana Richards
Ruth Flowers
Mary Summerill
Gillian Baxendell
Production Secretary |
Yvonne Webb
Sound | Music |
George Fenton
Sound |
Graham Ross
Lyndon Bird
Donald MacIver
Trevor Gosling
Roger Long
Grace Atkins
Mike Burgess
Jan Aldenhoven
Nora Drufovka
Rogier Frederiks
Errol Samuelson
Susan Todd
Nigel Tucker
Bruce Wills
Mark A. Van Der Willigen
Editing | Editor |
Jo Payne
Chris Wade
Chris Orrell
Martin Elsbury
Colorist |
Luciano Marigo-Spitaleri
Assistant Editor |
Angela Groves
Angela Gallagher
Simon Tucker
Art | Graphic Designer |
Alison Murphy
Camera | Drone Pilot |
Philip George
Director of Photography |
Alan Goodall
Alan Hayward
Andrew Young
Barrie Britton
Bob Brown
Brian McDairmont
Chris Packham
David Barlow
David Curl
Dion M. Casey
Doug Allan
Gavin Thurston
Glen Carruthers
Graham Frake
Hugh Maynard
Hugh Miles
Ian McCarthy
James Gray
Jim Frazier
Jonathan Watts
Kevin Flay
Kurt Hirschel
Leonard Gilday
Lindsay Cupper
Martin Dorhn
Martin Saunders
Martin Singleton
Martyn Colbeck
Maurice Fisher
Michael deGruy
Michael Pitts
Michael W. Richards
Mike Herd
Mike Potts
Owen Newman
Paul Atkins
Paul Morris
Peter Scoones
Philip Lovel
Red Denner
Richard Ganniclifft
Richard Gross
Richard Kirby
Richard Matthews
Rick Rosenthal
Rob Brownhill
Rod Clarke
Rodger Jackman
Rodney Borland
Rolf Moeltgen
Ron Finne
Simon King
Stephen Bolwell
Steve Downer
Tim Shepherd
Wade Nolan
Department | Role | Name |