

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Feb 19, 1979

Rating: 1979-02-19

Run Time: 2h 33m

Original Language: Polish

Website: -

Production Countries:

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A film about the life and activities of the Polish revolutionary Ludwik Waryński. In his memoirs, Ludwik returns to his student years in St. Petersburg, to Warsaw, to Krakow, where he was arrested and put on trial. After the end of the process in Krakow, Waryński leaves for Geneva, where he meets with Russian revolutionaries. In 1881, he returned to his homeland and created the first party of workers in Poland...

Main Cast

Anna Chodakowska

Anna Chodakowska

Filipina Płaskowicka

Age : N/A | Popularity : 8%

Aldona Grochal

Aldona Grochal

Aleksandra Jentysówna

Age : N/A | Popularity : 14%

Wojciech Alaborski

Wojciech Alaborski

Henryk Dulęba

Age : 67 | Popularity : 8%

Mieczysław Grąbka

Mieczysław Grąbka

Stanisław Kunicki

Age : N/A | Popularity : 2%

Kirill Stolyarov

Kirill Stolyarov

Piotr Bardowski

Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%

Margarita Volodina

Margarita Volodina

Natalią Poll

Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%

Grażyna Barszczewska

Grażyna Barszczewska

Marią Jankowską

Age : 77 | Popularity : 13%

Grzegorz Warchoł

Grzegorz Warchoł

Stanisław Mendelson

Age : 77 | Popularity : 16%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Wanda Jakubowska
Wanda Jakubowska
Writing Screenplay
Wanda Jakubowska
Wanda Jakubowska
Tadeusz Holuj
Tadeusz Holuj
Editing Editor
Tomira Matyjaszkiewicz
Tomira Matyjaszkiewicz
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Renata Wlasow
Renata Wlasow
Irena Włodarczyk
Irena Włodarczyk
Sound Sound
Jerzy Blaszyński
Jerzy Blaszyński
Original Music Composer
Witold Rudziński
Witold Rudziński
Camera Director of Photography
Stefan Matyjaszkiewicz
Stefan Matyjaszkiewicz
Department Role Name

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