
TMDB Rating 6.7
IMDB Rating 7.5


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line: Three complete strangers embark on a road-trip to Hokkaido.

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Sep 30, 1977

Rating: 1977-09-30

Run Time: 1h 49m

Original Language: Japanese

Website: -

Production Countries: Japan

Production Companies: Shochiku




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The story is about a convict released from prison for an old murder who is thinking about returning to his ex-wife and his former life. If she puts a yellow handkerchief on the window, it would mean that she wants him back at home.

Main Cast

Ken Takakura

Ken Takakura

Yusaku Shima

Age : N/A | Popularity : 77%

Chieko Baisho

Chieko Baisho

Mitsue Shima

Age : N/A | Popularity : 69%

Kaori Momoi

Kaori Momoi

Akemi Ogawa

Age : N/A | Popularity : 80%

Tetsuya Takeda

Tetsuya Takeda

Kinya Hanada

Age : N/A | Popularity : 43%

Hachiro Tako

Hachiro Tako


Age : 44 | Popularity : 12%

Hisao Dazai

Hisao Dazai

Ryokan Manager

Age : N/A | Popularity : 18%

Mari Okamoto

Mari Okamoto

Ramen Shop Girl

Age : N/A | Popularity : 35%

Kiyoshi Atsumi

Kiyoshi Atsumi

Watanabe Kacho

Age : N/A | Popularity : 48%


Department Role Name
Art Art Direction
Mitsuo Degawa
Mitsuo Degawa
Set Decoration
Takeshi Machida
Takeshi Machida
Set Designer
Katsuo Kojima
Katsuo Kojima
Directing Director
Yoji Yamada
Yoji Yamada
Assistant Director
Keiji Igarashi
Keiji Igarashi
Editing Editor
Iwao Ishii
Iwao Ishii
Camera Director of Photography
Tetsuo Takaha
Tetsuo Takaha
Still Photographer
Sôhei Hasegawa
Sôhei Hasegawa
Sound Original Music Composer
Masaru Satō
Masaru Satō
Sound Mixer
Ryuji Matsumoto
Ryuji Matsumoto
Hiroshi Nakamura
Hiroshi Nakamura
Writing Screenplay
Yoshitaka Asama
Yoshitaka Asama
Yoji Yamada
Yoji Yamada
Short Story
Pete Hamill
Pete Hamill
Production Producer
Toru Najima
Toru Najima
Production Supervisor
Hisamune Tamau
Hisamune Tamau
Executive In Charge Of Production
Junichi Mine
Junichi Mine
Lighting Gaffer
Yoshifumi Aoki
Yoshifumi Aoki
Department Role Name

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