
TMDB Rating 7


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Dec 21, 1976

Rating: 2021-05-26

Run Time: 1h 31m

Original Language: Latvian/Lettish

Website: -

Production Countries: Soviet Union

Production Companies: Rīgas kinostudija




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Voldis Viters is released after seven years in prison. He is 46 years old and has no family or job. Some of his old friends have abandoned the life of crime, and policeman Leo Aleksandrs, as well as the beautiful taxi driver Irēna, try to persuade Voldis to forget the past and move on. But when the crime boss Teksis proposes a plan to rob a jewelry store, Voldis agrees, thinking this will be his last crime before starting a new life. Marking the pinnacle of its director's filmography, To Be Unwanted is a psychological drama that centers not on a single crime or its investigation but on the emotional collapse of the criminal as he realizes that his amoral lifestyle has rendered him redundant within society.

Main Cast

Vytautas Tomkus

Vytautas Tomkus

Voldemar Viters / Voldis Viters

Age : N/A | Popularity : 15%

Valdemārs Zandbergs

Valdemārs Zandbergs

Leo Aleksadrs - Kapitan Militsii

Age : N/A | Popularity : 1%

Astrīda Kairiša

Astrīda Kairiša

Irena Andava

Age : 59 | Popularity : 21%

Harijs Liepiņš

Harijs Liepiņš


Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

Helga Dancberga

Helga Dancberga

Sestra Vyttersa

Age : N/A | Popularity : 2%

Uldis Pūcītis

Uldis Pūcītis


Age : N/A | Popularity : 10%

Uldis Dumpis

Uldis Dumpis


Age : N/A | Popularity : 8%

Juris Plavins

Juris Plavins


Age : N/A | Popularity : 9%


Department Role Name
Writing Screenplay
Andris Kolbergs
Andris Kolbergs
Script Editor
Austra Zīle
Austra Zīle
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Natalija Saporina
Natalija Saporina
Makeup Artist
Larisa Lickova
Larisa Lickova
Valentina Zorina
Valentina Zorina
Key Makeup Artist
Jānis Rība
Jānis Rība
Editing Editor
Tamāra Musņicka
Tamāra Musņicka
Assistant Editor
Inese Brušteina
Inese Brušteina
Guntra Ermane
Guntra Ermane
Zinaida Frumina
Zinaida Frumina
Camera Director of Photography
Rihards Pīks
Rihards Pīks
Assistant Camera
Valdis Abolins
Valdis Abolins
Juris Baltabols
Juris Baltabols
Guntis Spricis
Guntis Spricis
Camera Operator
Uģis Egle
Uģis Egle
Key Grip
Uldis Millers
Uldis Millers
Eduards Salduksnis
Eduards Salduksnis
Still Photographer
Ludmila Tjurina
Ludmila Tjurina
Art Production Design
Gunārs Balodis
Gunārs Balodis
Set Decoration
Laimonis Biernis
Laimonis Biernis
Elmars Matiss
Elmars Matiss
A. Vasilevics
A. Vasilevics
Assistant Production Design
Ārija Meidropa
Ārija Meidropa
Directing Director
Aloiz Brench
Aloiz Brench
Assistant Director
Ināra Esenberga
Ināra Esenberga
Raitis Gosins
Raitis Gosins
Arija Hanzena
Arija Hanzena
Cirulis Janis
Cirulis Janis
Edmunds Kasevskis
Edmunds Kasevskis
I. Zute
I. Zute
Sound Original Music Composer
Ivars Vīgners
Ivars Vīgners
V. Cesovs
V. Cesovs
Gariks Geozaljans
Gariks Geozaljans
Viktors Miļņikovs
Viktors Miļņikovs
Music Director
Nikolajs Zolotonoss
Nikolajs Zolotonoss
Production Unit Manager
Ruvims Amdurs
Ruvims Amdurs
Production Manager
Semjons Ludzišs
Semjons Ludzišs
Biruta Mierleja
Biruta Mierleja
Aldis Migla
Aldis Migla
Crew Special Effects
Robinsone Faina
Robinsone Faina
Melita Purvina
Melita Purvina
A. Iekums
A. Iekums
Andris Kalmajs
Andris Kalmajs
V. Masarskis
V. Masarskis
J. Tauritis
J. Tauritis
Stunt Coordinator
Uldis Veispals
Uldis Veispals
H. Berzins
H. Berzins
Stanislavs Karaluns
Stanislavs Karaluns
Peteris Karlsons
Peteris Karlsons
Karlis Priekulis
Karlis Priekulis
Janis Zuks
Janis Zuks
Department Role Name

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