
TMDB Rating 6.2


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Jan 1, 1997

Rating: 1997-01-01

Run Time: 1h 13m

Original Language: Estonian

Website: Link

Production Countries: Estonia

Production Companies: Eesti Joonisfilm




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A small village in a large sea. Two young dogs, Tom and Fluffy are in love with each other. Their friend, Oskar the dog, is a newly invented machine for sugar. Returns from a trip around the world to visit an old dog Klaus. These four, along with Julius the cat and the pond obstinate spoiled dragon Otto, Rat Leo and tiny white mouse Julia; hare James, who is not at all convinced that she is still a rabbit, small mysterious creatures and light blue butterflies, insect Give her three mischievous insects child - all of them together are the characters of children's humorous animated film series "Tom and Fluffy".

Main Cast

Anu Lamp

Anu Lamp

Narrator (voice)

Age : 66 | Popularity : 8%

Jüri Krjukov

Jüri Krjukov

Narrator (voice)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 7%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Leo Lätti
Leo Lätti
Janno Põldma
Janno Põldma
Heiki Ernits
Heiki Ernits
Assistant Director
Merle Rajandu
Merle Rajandu
Writing Writer
Andrus Kivirähk
Andrus Kivirähk
Janno Põldma
Janno Põldma
Heiki Ernits
Heiki Ernits
Art Art Direction
Heiki Ernits
Heiki Ernits
Krista Lepland
Krista Lepland
Background Designer
Regina Lukk
Regina Lukk
Production Producer
Kalev Tamm
Kalev Tamm
Linda Sade
Linda Sade
Juha Vakkuri
Juha Vakkuri
Ulla Salonen
Ulla Salonen
Camera Director of Photography
Ruth-Helene Melioranski
Ruth-Helene Melioranski
Sound Music
Olav Ehala
Olav Ehala
Editing Editor
Kersti Miilen
Kersti Miilen
Visual Effects Animation
Marje Ale
Marje Ale
Mariann Joa
Mariann Joa
Raul Lunia
Raul Lunia
Leo Lätti
Leo Lätti
Ülle Metsur
Ülle Metsur
Ruslan Piterja
Ruslan Piterja
Evelin Temmin
Evelin Temmin
Priit Tender
Priit Tender
Ebe Tramberg
Ebe Tramberg
Tarmo Vaarmets
Tarmo Vaarmets
Department Role Name

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