Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 7
Release Date: Jan 31, 2019
Rating: 2019-01-31
Run Time: 1h 46m
Original Language: langcode.id
Website: -
Production Countries: Indonesia
Production Companies: Visinema Pictures , Kaskus
People Rated This
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Art | Production Design |
Adrianto Sinaga
Graphic Designer |
Rinda Wulan
Property Master |
Mohammad Hasanuddin
Maria Asih
Toto Supriyanto
Aryo Budi Prasetyo
Property Buyer |
Yana Mohammad Muhtar
Mohamad Zaelani
Set Dresser |
Irwan Gunaepi
Muhamad Syahrul
Construction Coordinator |
Joko Siswanto
Writing | Writer |
Sabrina Rochelle Kalangie
Nurita Anandia
Head of Story |
Mohammad Irfan Ramly
Story Editor |
Farishad Latjuba
Story Artist |
Indriani Agustina
Yemima Krisantina
Haqi Achmad
Production | Producer |
Nurita Anandia
Executive Producer |
Angga Dwimas Sasongko
Edi Taslim
Raharja Suwitno
Unit Production Manager |
Bayu Cahyo Permadi
Development Producer |
Surya Winata
Casting Assistant |
Fransiskus Yuno
Casting Coordinator |
King Domines
Panca Windu
Jahur Ahmad
Location Manager |
Location Assistant |
Agus Salim
M. Pandu Imanuddin
Producer's Assistant |
Novia Puspa Sari
Production Assistant |
Yuswa Martsanto
Yoga Alifa Rizky
Nurul Hidayati
Denny Kurniawan
Izmi Dwi Ningrum
Post Production Producer |
Abdul Majid
Production Accountant |
Yaumil Edha
Co-Executive Producer |
Anggia Kharisma
Ajeng Parameswari
Chicco Jerikho
Co-Producer |
Cristian Imanuell
Line Producer |
Syaiful Wathan
Casting Director |
Melisa Hana Kristianty
Post Production Coordinator |
Nikko Bayuaji
Post Coordinator |
Andhy Pulung
Directing | Director |
Sabrina Rochelle Kalangie
First Assistant Director |
Dani Jaka
Second Assistant Director |
Yudhistira Purwanto
Third Assistant Director |
Alvin Tristama
Script Supervisor |
Mizam Faddilah Ananda
Visual Effects | Visual Effects |
Keliek Wicaksono
Rotoscoping Artist |
Bambang Kriswanto
Visual Effects Supervisor |
Keliek Wicaksono
Camera | Assistant Camera |
Prenza Muhamad
Key Grip |
Didi Saidi
Still Photographer |
Andreansyah Dimas WPG
Alver Firmaz
Alvin Adimulia
Director of Photography |
Salfero Albert
Lighting | Gaffer |
Sudi Adikanadia
Costume & Make-Up | Wardrobe Master |
Titin Naning Saputri
Wardrobe Assistant |
Dita Listya Cahyaningtyas
Imer Putri Ramadhan
Special Effects Key Makeup Artist |
Talia Subandrio
Chassey Julian
Hairstylist |
Teguh Widodo
Ivan Doel
Assistant Hairstylist |
Budi Puji Listiawan
Makeup Artist |
Notje Tatipata
Assistant Makeup Artist |
Yuliani Mustika
Afit Ali
Costume Designer |
Marcello Hizky
Special Effects Makeup Artist |
Talia Subandrio
Sound | Utility Sound |
Finny Ambiya
Boom Operator |
Mikail Hadad
ADR Editor |
Armanda Ahmad
Sound Effects Editor |
Martin Handi
Dedi Setiawan
Foley Editor |
Martin Handi
Dedi Setiawan
Music Director |
Ofel Obaja
Sound Designer |
Satrio Budiono
Sound Recordist |
Djoko Birohmatik S.
Editing | Assistant Editor |
Yudist Nugraha
Colorist |
Yehuda Aribowo
Color Assistant |
Nadya Shabrina
Editor |
Hendra Adhi Susanto
Crew | Craft Service |
Muhammad Isti Khori
Ainur Rifki
Department | Role | Name |
Where to watch Too Handsome to Handle
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