

Revenue: $0

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Movie Details

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Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Jul 20, 2012

Rating: 2012-07-20

Run Time: 12h 04m

Original Language: French

Website: -

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1300 meters from the arrival of the 13th stage Carpentras-Orcières Merlette (192 kms), then, in the Col de Sauze, the 14th stage Orcières-Merlette-Briançon (201 kms) of the Tour de France 1972. Filmmaker Gérard Courant photographed Eddy Merckx (yellow jersey), Cyrille Guimard (green jersey), Luis Ocana (white box combination), Lucien Aimar, Lucien Van Impe, Joachim Agostinho (Portugal champion), Felice Gimondi (Italian champion), Raymond Poulidor, Karl-Heinz Kunde, Leif Mortensen, Bernard Thévenet. The stage of Orcières-Merlette was won by Van Impe ahead of Agostinho and Merckx and that of Briançon by Merckx in front of Gimondi and Guimard. This clip is an excerpt from the first episode of Gérard Courant's "Carnets filmés" entitled "Aurore collective".

Main Cast

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Department Role Name
Directing Director
Gérard Courant
Gérard Courant
Editing Editor
Gérard Courant
Gérard Courant
Crew Cinematography
Gérard Courant
Gérard Courant
Department Role Name

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