Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: Nov 16, 1937
Rating: 1937-11-16
Run Time: 1h 24m
Original Language: Polish
Website: -
Production Countries: Poland
Production Companies: femika-film
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Three provincial journeymen: a shoemaker - Szydełko, a tailor's - Igiełka, and a carpenter - Wiórek, come to Warsaw, where they end up in the "Pod Apartuszkiem" inn. Soon they unexpectedly win a million zlotys in the lottery. They divide it equally and everyone goes their own way, but they agree on "Under the Apron" next year. After a year, they all meet again. The first two lost all their money, and the third settled down and married Lucia, the daughter of a carpenter.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Henryk Szaro
Department | Role | Name |