
TMDB Rating 4


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 4

Release Date: Nov 12, 1988

Rating: 1988-11-12

Run Time: 1h 35m

Original Language: Catalan

Website: -

Production Countries: Spain

Production Companies: Fair Play Produccions S.A. , CB Films , TVE




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Main Cast

Patxi Bisquert

Patxi Bisquert

Héctor Barrera

Age : 72 | Popularity : 4%

Rosana Pastor

Rosana Pastor


Age : N/A | Popularity : 26%

Guillermo Montesinos

Guillermo Montesinos


Age : N/A | Popularity : 17%

Ana Duato

Ana Duato


Age : N/A | Popularity : 31%

Luis Hostalot

Luis Hostalot


Age : N/A | Popularity : 14%

Ovidi Montllor

Ovidi Montllor

Director L'Hora

Age : N/A | Popularity : 8%

Marina Saura

Marina Saura


Age : 67 | Popularity : 17%

Hermann Bonnín

Hermann Bonnín

Juez Ferragut

Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Francesc Bellmunt
Francesc Bellmunt
Second Assistant Director
Jordi Frades
Jordi Frades
First Assistant Director
Antoni Verdaguer
Antoni Verdaguer
Script Supervisor
Fina Sensada
Fina Sensada
Sound Music
Manel Camp
Manel Camp
Sound Mixer
Francesc Forondona
Francesc Forondona
Joan Vidal
Joan Vidal
Jaume Meléndez
Jaume Meléndez
Dolby Consultant
Tim Partridge
Tim Partridge
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Jordi Sevillano
Jordi Sevillano
Foley Artist
Kiku Vidal
Kiku Vidal
Music Producer
Joan Enric Garde
Joan Enric Garde
Camera Director of Photography
Javier Salmones
Javier Salmones
First Assistant Camera
Joan Benet
Joan Benet
Still Photographer
Lluïsa Garcia
Lluïsa Garcia
Antonio Rey
Antonio Rey
Key Grip
Charly Guerrero
Charly Guerrero
Camera Operator
Juan Carlos Lausín
Juan Carlos Lausín
Second Assistant Camera
Francisco Teres
Francisco Teres
Writing Screenplay
Francesc Bellmunt
Francesc Bellmunt
Ferran Torrent
Ferran Torrent
Production Executive Producer
Maite Fontanet
Maite Fontanet
Assistant Production Manager
Carles Falcó
Carles Falcó
Lucía Grau
Lucía Grau
Production Manager
Oriol Ferrer
Oriol Ferrer
Xel·la Navarro
Xel·la Navarro
Production Secretary
Ramon Tello
Ramon Tello
Editing Editor
Jordi Espresate
Jordi Espresate
Assistant Editor
Jordi Puig Martín
Jordi Puig Martín
Art Production Design
Josep Rosell i Palau
Josep Rosell i Palau
Ferran Sánchez
Ferran Sánchez
Boro Comes
Boro Comes
Graphic Designer
Perico Pastor
Perico Pastor
Jordi Pallí
Jordi Pallí
Property Master
Fèlix Riera
Fèlix Riera
Julio Molins
Julio Molins
Costume & Make-Up Hairstylist
Vicent Gaya
Vicent Gaya
Makeup Artist
Ana Lozano
Ana Lozano
Isabel Barrios
Isabel Barrios
Katia Ribelles
Katia Ribelles
Wardrobe Assistant
Luis Alfredo Durán
Luis Alfredo Durán
Crew Stunts
Alberto Gadea
Alberto Gadea
Transportation Coordinator
Lluís Botella Pont
Lluís Botella Pont
JJ Fernández
JJ Fernández
Lighting Electrician
Enrique Bas
Enrique Bas
Susana Cuñado
Susana Cuñado
Silver Muñoz
Silver Muñoz
Toni Puertas
Toni Puertas
Miguel Manuel Segrelles
Miguel Manuel Segrelles
Ramon Ferre
Ramon Ferre
Jesús Pelegrín
Jesús Pelegrín
Department Role Name

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