Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: Feb 12, 2006
Rating: 2006-02-12
Run Time: 2h 32m
Original Language: Estonian
Website: -
Production Countries: Estonia
Production Companies: Von Krahli Teater
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The 6 short films of "Tabamata ime" are based on Edward Vilde's play of the same name first published in 1912. Vilde's play is about a young piano player Leo Saalep, who returns to his homeland Estonia to give a concert, and whose alleged international breakthrough has given him the long awaited role of putting Estonian culture on the map in the eyes of the local culture elite.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Jaak Kilmi
Andres Maimik
Arbo Tammiksaar
Rainer Sarnet
Marko Raat
Marianne Kõrver
Writing | Writer |
Taavi Eelmaa
Jaak Kilmi
Marianne Kõrver
Andres Maimik
Marko Raat
Urmas Vadi
Novel |
Eduard Vilde
Production | Producer |
Peeter Jalakas
Sound | Music |
Sten Sheripov
Editing | Editor |
Lauri Laasik
Jan Erik Nõgisto
Kaie-Ene Rääk
Department | Role | Name |