
TMDB Rating 8.9


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 9

Release Date: Jan 1, 1965

Rating: 1965-01-01

Run Time: 12h 37m

Original Language: Portuguese

Website: -

Production Countries: Brazil

Production Companies: Thomaz Farkas




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Viramundo shows the saga of the northeastern migrants that arrive in São Paulo, beginning with a train arriving and ending with a train leaving São Paulo in a cycle repeated every day. Viramundo's aim was to question why the military coup d'état in Brazil happened without any popular resistance or revolution or reaction of the society.

Main Cast

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Department Role Name
Directing Director
Geraldo Sarno
Geraldo Sarno
Assistant Director
Júlio Calasso Jr.
Júlio Calasso Jr.
Ursula Weiss
Ursula Weiss
Production Producer
Thomaz Farkas
Thomaz Farkas
Executive Producer
Edgardo Pallero
Edgardo Pallero
Supervising Producer
Sérgio Muniz
Sérgio Muniz
Sound Original Music Composer
José Carlos Capinam
José Carlos Capinam
Caetano Veloso
Caetano Veloso
Theme Song Performance
Gilberto Gil
Gilberto Gil
Sound Recordist
Sérgio Muniz
Sérgio Muniz
Edgardo Pallero
Edgardo Pallero
Maurice Capovila
Maurice Capovila
Vladimir Herzog
Vladimir Herzog
Editing Editor
Silvio Renoldi
Silvio Renoldi
Assistant Editor
Roberto Santos
Roberto Santos
Camera Assistant Camera
Antonio Mateus
Antonio Mateus
Director of Photography
Thomaz Farkas
Thomaz Farkas
Armando Barreto
Armando Barreto
Writing Writer
Geraldo Sarno
Geraldo Sarno
Department Role Name

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