
TMDB Rating 5.7


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Feb 14, 2024

Rating: 2023-09-06

Run Time: 1h 26m

Original Language: French

Website: -

Production Countries: Belgium , France

Production Companies: Trésor Films , Artémis Productions




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Gabrielle has just joined a prestigious news program. With no formal training, she must prove herself and find her place among an experienced team of special correspondents. In the heat of the action, she will learn the language and the code of these reporters, who are always passionate, often funny, and sometimes scarred by life and their profession. And then there’s Vincent, the program’s editor-in-chief, who she can’t help challenging...

Main Cast

Roschdy Zem

Roschdy Zem


Age : 59 | Popularity : 49%

Alice Isaaz

Alice Isaaz

Gabrielle Lemarquand

Age : N/A | Popularity : 40%

Vincent Elbaz

Vincent Elbaz

Damien Lacaze

Age : 54 | Popularity : 67%

Pierre Lottin

Pierre Lottin


Age : 35 | Popularity : 36%

Pascale Arbillot

Pascale Arbillot

Camille Wasteel

Age : 54 | Popularity : 36%

Jean-Charles Clichet

Jean-Charles Clichet


Age : N/A | Popularity : 12%


Department Role Name
Editing Editor
Virginie Bruant
Virginie Bruant
Production Production Designer
Nicolas de Boiscuillé
Nicolas de Boiscuillé
Casting Director
Youna De Peretti
Youna De Peretti
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Caroline Spieth
Caroline Spieth
Makeup Artist
Sarah Daoud
Sarah Daoud
Key Makeup Artist
Mathilde Josset
Mathilde Josset
Crew Carpenter
Baptiste Bonin
Baptiste Bonin
Art Graphic Designer
Edwige Boutet
Edwige Boutet
Storyboard Artist
Pierre-Emmanuel Chatiliez
Pierre-Emmanuel Chatiliez
Property Master
Irène Moati
Irène Moati
Sound Dialogue Editor
Emmanuel Angrand
Emmanuel Angrand
Boom Operator
Marie Averty
Marie Averty
Foley Artist
Pascal Dedeye
Pascal Dedeye
Foley Mixer
Julien Martin
Julien Martin
Sound Editor
Arnaud Rolland
Arnaud Rolland
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Eric Tisserand
Eric Tisserand
Sound Mixer
Pierre Tucat
Pierre Tucat
Original Music Composer
Sacha Galperine
Sacha Galperine
Evgueni Galperine
Evgueni Galperine
Camera Grip
Maxime Boisbeaux
Maxime Boisbeaux
Quentin Chevreau
Quentin Chevreau
Key Grip
Gaston Grandin
Gaston Grandin
Steadicam Operator
Simon Véniel
Simon Véniel
Director of Photography
Inès Tabarin
Inès Tabarin
Lighting Electrician
Mathilde Bory
Mathilde Bory
Thibault Bru
Thibault Bru
Milosz Kubok
Milosz Kubok
Pierre Marie Paubel
Pierre Marie Paubel
Thibaud Petit
Thibaud Petit
Camille Simien
Camille Simien
Etienne Lesur
Etienne Lesur
Directing Director
Alix Delaporte
Alix Delaporte
Writing Writer
Alix Delaporte
Alix Delaporte
Alain Le Henry
Alain Le Henry
Olivier Demangel
Olivier Demangel
Jeanne Herry
Jeanne Herry
Department Role Name

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