Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 7
Release Date: Nov 24, 2018
Rating: 2018-11-24
Run Time: 1h 45m
Original Language: Portuguese
Website: -
Production Countries: Brazil
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Following the projects of modernization of Brazil in the 70s, a busy road in the nearly-desert area of Brazil is detoured to a brand new highway, and a known roadside brothel called “Beiço de Estrada” (“Lower Lip of the Road”) faces its decadence. The owner of the brothel, Madame Lili (Darlene Glória) is abandoned by her 3 daughters who worked in the house, but they left 2 kids for her to take care of: Brás (Rique Messias) and Conceição (Luana Valentin). Brás spends his day digging holes in the road to break the few trucks that cross the road, so they can stop at their house. Conceição is kept hidden when a customer comes because her grandmother has big plans for her: to marry her with a good man, so the curse of prostitution can end in the family. Meanwhile, Meota (Jackson Antunes), an old truck driver, returns frequently to “Beiço de Estrada” to win the heart of little Conceição, while dodging her grandmother.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Eliezer Rolim
Writing | Screenplay |
Eliezer Rolim
Department | Role | Name |