
TMDB Rating 6.8


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Mar 23, 1963

Rating: 1963-03-23

Run Time: 1h 38m

Original Language: Japanese

Website: -

Production Countries: Japan

Production Companies: TOHO




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A brave, highly principled warrior resigns his post as a body guard to the head of a powerful clan after he learns that his employers have been smuggling arms to the enemy. The remaining samurai try in vain to coerce him back, but their efforts are thwarted by crooked warriors who launch an attack...

Main Cast

Yūzō Kayama

Yūzō Kayama

Ochi Kittan "Batta"

Age : N/A | Popularity : 32%

Yuriko Hoshi

Yuriko Hoshi


Age : N/A | Popularity : 49%

Makoto Satō

Makoto Satō


Age : N/A | Popularity : 21%

Ichirō Nakatani

Ichirō Nakatani


Age : N/A | Popularity : 15%

Tatsuyoshi Ehara

Tatsuyoshi Ehara

Age : N/A | Popularity : 16%

Kumi Mizuno

Kumi Mizuno


Age : N/A | Popularity : 43%

Tadao Nakamaru

Tadao Nakamaru

Age : N/A | Popularity : 17%

Jun Tazaki

Jun Tazaki

Age : N/A | Popularity : 59%


Department Role Name
Production Production Manager
Masao Suzuki
Masao Suzuki
Tomoyuki Tanaka
Tomoyuki Tanaka
Sound Sound Effects Editor
Hisashi Shimonaga
Hisashi Shimonaga
Sound Recordist
Shin Watarai
Shin Watarai
Masaru Satō
Masaru Satō
Lighting Lighting Technician
Shoshichi Kojima
Shoshichi Kojima
Crew Stunt Coordinator
Ryû Kuze
Ryû Kuze
Hiroshi Matsuda
Hiroshi Matsuda
Yuzuru Aizawa
Yuzuru Aizawa
Editing Editor
Yoshitami Kuroiwa
Yoshitami Kuroiwa
Camera Still Photographer
Matsuo Yoshizaki
Matsuo Yoshizaki
Directing Director
Kihachi Okamoto
Kihachi Okamoto
Assistant Director
Michio Yamamoto
Michio Yamamoto
Writing Writer
Kihachi Okamoto
Kihachi Okamoto
Shinichi Sekizawa
Shinichi Sekizawa
Ken Sano
Ken Sano
Art Production Design
Hiroshi Ueda
Hiroshi Ueda
Department Role Name

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