Revenue: $0
Budget: $228,000
Profit: - $-228,000
Movie Details
Tag Line: Exploring a New Water Ethic for the New West
Status: Released
Average Rating: 6
Release Date: Mar 24, 2012
Rating: 2012-03-24
Run Time: 12h 56m
Original Language: English
Website: Link
Production Countries:
Production Companies:
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Watch Watershed: Exploring a New Water Ethic for the New West
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As the most dammed, dibbed, and diverted river in the world struggles to support thirty million people and the peace-keeping agreement known as the Colorado River Pact reaches its limits, WATERSHED introduces hope. Can we meet the needs of a growing population in the face of rising temperatures and lower rainfall in an already arid land? Can we find harmony amongst the competing interests of cities, agriculture, industry, recreation, wildlife, and indigenous communities with rights to the water? Sweeping through seven U.S. and two Mexican states, the Colorado River is a lifeline to expanding populations and booming urban centers that demand water for drinking, sanitation and energy generation. And with 70% of the rivers’ water supporting agriculture, the river already runs dry before it reaches its natural end at the Gulf of California. Unless action is taken, the river will continue its retreat – a potentially catastrophic scenario for the millions who depend on it.