

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Jan 1, 2018

Rating: 2018-01-01

Run Time: 12h 04m

Original Language: Russian

Website: -

Production Countries:

Production Companies: Studio "Shar"




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Collective work of students Of the school-Studio "SHAR". In the summer of 2018, all of them were gathered by George Boguslavsky and sent around the city to observe Moscow life. And then I covered the Windows with a black cloth, and the students drew, smeared, and scratched on celluloid scenes from the life of summer Moscow.

Main Cast

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Department Role Name
Directing Director
Galina Pichuga
Galina Pichuga
Lena Gutman
Lena Gutman
Olga Karengina
Olga Karengina
Daria Urishev
Daria Urishev
Anna Krasnova
Anna Krasnova
Anna Kononenko
Anna Kononenko
Denis Toom
Denis Toom
Olga Surguladze
Olga Surguladze
Julia Kozlova
Julia Kozlova
Daria Volchok
Daria Volchok
Philip Smirnov
Philip Smirnov
Milan Derepaskin
Milan Derepaskin
Nikita Redkin
Nikita Redkin
Ivan Bondarenko
Ivan Bondarenko
Anna Kuniceva
Anna Kuniceva
Evdokia Geller
Evdokia Geller
Anna Belova
Anna Belova
Anastasia Saveleva
Anastasia Saveleva
Darya Lebedeva
Darya Lebedeva
Dusya Geller
Dusya Geller
Nadezhda Goldman
Nadezhda Goldman
Production Producer
Andrey Khrzhanovsky
Andrey Khrzhanovsky
Writing Writer
Dusya Geller
Dusya Geller
Denis Toom
Denis Toom
Department Role Name

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