
TMDB Rating 8


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line: be grateful for your children and grandchildren as they are

Status: Released

Average Rating: 8

Release Date: Dec 31, 1973

Rating: 1973-12-31

Run Time: 1h 39m

Original Language: langcode.id

Website: -

Production Countries: Indonesia

Production Companies: Rapi Films



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Linda gives birth to an illegitimate child from a relationship with her boyfriend, Alex, who dies in an accident. To avoid a scandal, her father asks his younger sibling to take the baby to Cirebon. Linda is then told that the baby is dead. The baby, Yatim, is treated badly by the caregiver. The caregiver steals the money sent by Linda’s father to support the baby, so Linda’s father gets angry when more money is demanded. Linda overhears the conversation and is told the truth. So Linda goes to Cirebon to pick up her child but Yatim has already run away to Jakarta to look for her. He is aimless and homeless, and becomes a shoe polisher. A children’s toy seller hears a radio broadcast looking for the missing child and advises Yatim to go meet his parent. Yatim refuses, and instead gets hit by a car. Finally, they are reunited at the hospital.

Main Cast

Rano Karno

Rano Karno


Age : 64 | Popularity : 7%

Lenny Marlina

Lenny Marlina


Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%

Kusno Sudjarwadi

Kusno Sudjarwadi

Age : N/A | Popularity : 8%

Alam Surawidjaja

Alam Surawidjaja

Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

Dicky Zulkarnaen

Dicky Zulkarnaen

Pacar Ibunya Yatim

Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%

Mieke Wijaya

Mieke Wijaya

Tante Galak

Age : N/A | Popularity : 7%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Script Supervisor
Narto Erawan Dalimarta
Narto Erawan Dalimarta
Production Producer
Gope T. Samtani
Gope T. Samtani
Crew Script
Sabirin Kasdani
Sabirin Kasdani
Camera Camera Technician
Sjamsuddin Jusuf
Sjamsuddin Jusuf
Sound Music Arranger
Idris Sardi
Idris Sardi
Department Role Name

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