

Revenue: $0

Budget: $2,299

Profit: - $-2,299

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Sep 17, 2021

Rating: 2021-10-24

Run Time: 12h 16m

Original Language: Spanish

Website: -

Production Countries: Spain

Production Companies: Escac Films




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After consolidating itself as a tourist destination in the mid-1960s, this small coastal village has become the dormitory town for the workers of a Nuclear Power Plant. With the liberal promise of prosperity and socioeconomic wellfare, many workers left their homes to move to the small city and started working at the new Nuclear Power Plant. The collective unrest and the silence, cut off by the great gusts of wind, articulate the landscape of the village that is now under the aid of the Nuclear Power Plant.

Main Cast

Enric Rubio

Enric Rubio

Enric Rubio

Age : N/A | Popularity : 1%

Pablo Fole

Pablo Fole

Pablo Fole

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Elsa Hernández

Elsa Hernández

Elsa Hernández

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Leonor Pineda

Leonor Pineda

Leonor Pineda

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Marc Luguera
Marc Luguera
Assistant Director
Sònia Buj
Sònia Buj
Sound Sound Recordist
Edu Rubix
Edu Rubix
Sound Designer
Albert Guimerà Montserrat
Albert Guimerà Montserrat
Carlos Gardel
Carlos Gardel
Edu Rubix
Edu Rubix
Editing Editor
Andrea Allonca
Andrea Allonca
Assistant Editor
Antoni González
Antoni González
David Avecilla
David Avecilla
Production Production Director
Marc Luguera
Marc Luguera
Mariona Serra
Mariona Serra
Director of Operations
Jordi Bransuela
Jordi Bransuela
Crew Translator
Mariona Lorenzo
Mariona Lorenzo
Raquel Coll
Raquel Coll
Mixing Engineer
Xavi Mas
Xavi Mas
Tere Aragón
Tere Aragón
Manel Luguera
Manel Luguera
Diana Toucedo
Diana Toucedo
Virginia García del Pino
Virginia García del Pino
Pau Bacardit
Pau Bacardit
David Bustos
David Bustos
Ajuntament de Vandellós
Ajuntament de Vandellós
L'Hospitalet de l'Infant
L'Hospitalet de l'Infant
Bar Buho
Bar Buho
Jana Luguera
Jana Luguera
Alex Luguera
Alex Luguera
Lita Roig
Lita Roig
Gisela Casas
Gisela Casas
Javier de la Llave
Javier de la Llave
Gerard Vidal
Gerard Vidal
Olga Doganoc
Olga Doganoc
Marta Cunill
Marta Cunill
Sonia Fresnillo
Sonia Fresnillo
Juan Lozano
Juan Lozano
Xavier Manau
Xavier Manau
Angel Lopera
Angel Lopera
Montse Godall
Montse Godall
Encarni Bello
Encarni Bello
Department Role Name

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