Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line: There's just one thing we want. For Yumi to be happy.
Status: Released
Average Rating: 6
Release Date: Jul 23, 2024
Rating: 2024-04-03
Run Time: 1h 33m
Original Language: Korean
Website: -
Production Countries: South Korea
Production Companies: Studio N , LOCUS Corporation , Sidus Animation
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Where to watch Yumi's Cells the Movie
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In pursuit of her lifelong dream of becoming a writer, Yumi takes the bold step of quitting her job to focus on preparing for a novel contest. From the Schedule Cell meticulously planning her writing schedule to the Writer Cell tirelessly seeking inspiration and the Cheapskate Cell tightening the purse strings, every cell works diligently to support Yumi in her aspirations. Yet, as worries about the future begin to mount, Anxiety Cell looms larger, casting a shadow over Yumi’s determination. Even the Love Cell, once sweet and hopeful, turns bitter and skeptical as her relationship with Babi hits rough patches. With conflicts among the cells intensifying, the Cell Village finds itself confronting a crisis unlike any it has faced before…
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Kim Da-hee
Assistant Director |
Seok Hyo-ju
Writing | Original Story |
Lee Dong-geon
Writer |
Lee Jeong-a
Adaptation |
Park Seong-hee
Dialogue |
Hwang Seok-hee
Storyboard |
Gu Yu-yeon
Choi Hyeon-myeong
Lyricist |
Choi Su-mi
Nah Sang-hyun
Gim Yoon-ju
Production | Producer |
Kwon Mi-kyung
Hwang Su-jin
Choi Seong-pil
Jeong Da-eun
Lee Ha-rim
Jeong Yun-jae
Production Manager |
Kim Dan-ah
Cha Ga-hyeon
Line Producer |
Baek Hye-min
Visual Effects | Modelling Supervisor |
Park Geun-yeong
Animation Supervisor |
Jeong Gwang-jo
Effects Supervisor |
Kim Yeong-jo
Compositing Supervisor |
Kang Dong-eok
VFX Supervisor |
Lee Jae-seong
Eom Gi-yeong
Lighting | Rigging Supervisor |
Han Sang-hwan
Lighting Supervisor |
Yoon Yeong-wook
Art | Production Design |
Lee Seok-gi
Sound | Music Director |
Im Mi-hyeon
Kim Tae-seong
Original Music Composer |
Im Mi-hyeon
Park Jeong-eun
Choi Jung-in
Songs |
Nah Sang-hyun
Kim Byung-kyu
Gim Yoon-ju
Theme Song Performance |
Choi Su-mi
Nah Sang-hyun
Kim Go-eun
Sound Supervisor |
Kim Seok-won
ADR Supervisor |
Jo Min-gyeong
Foley Supervisor |
Kim Hyeon-jun
Department | Role | Name |