
TMDB Rating 4.5


Revenue: $10,335

Budget: $0

Profit: + $10,335

Movie Details

Tag Line: It's Yours ZINDAGI

Status: Released

Average Rating: 5

Release Date: Oct 6, 2006

Rating: 2006-10-06

Run Time: 2h 07m

Original Language: Hindi

Website: -

Production Countries: India , United States of America

Production Companies: BAG Films




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Dr. Suraj Rihan meets Kriya, a popular singer in his hospital. While he is a quiet, responsible man, she is loud, kiddish and a little crazy. Kriya invites Suraj to meet her family, which includes her mother, who is very strict and her mother's twin sister, who is fun and giggly. Kriya has an adopted son, who is very mature for his age. Kriya and Suraj fall in love with each other and their new feelings are tested by a crisis that enters both their lives. Kriya's son is in a critical state as he has a hole in his heart and they are unable to find a donor till the date of the operation. This makes Kriya commit a medicine induced suicide and her heart is then used to save her son.

Main Cast

Sushmita Sen

Sushmita Sen

Kriya Sengupta

Age : 49 | Popularity : 40%

Shiney Ahuja

Shiney Ahuja

Dr. Suraj Rihan

Age : 51 | Popularity : 35%

Kim Sharma

Kim Sharma


Age : N/A | Popularity : 17%

Seema Biswas

Seema Biswas

DCP Gazala Qadri

Age : N/A | Popularity : 45%

Moushumi Chatterjee

Moushumi Chatterjee

Age : N/A | Popularity : 46%

Gargi Patel

Gargi Patel

Suraj's Mother-In-Law

Age : N/A | Popularity : 47%

Julian Burkhardt

Julian Burkhardt

Dhruv 'Ruby' Sengupta

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Ravi Gossain

Ravi Gossain


Age : N/A | Popularity : 1%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Tanuja Chandra
Tanuja Chandra
Writing Writer
Tanuja Chandra
Tanuja Chandra
Mudassar Aziz
Mudassar Aziz
Production Producer
Anuradha Prasad
Anuradha Prasad
Sound Music
Anu Malik
Anu Malik
Department Role Name

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