Person Details
Birthday: 1945-01-31 14:54:15
Aliases: Алексей Михайлов , Alexei Mikhailov , Aleksei Mikhailov , Aleksey Mikhailov , Aleksey Mikhaylov , Aleksei Mikhaylov , Alexey Mikhaylov , Alexei Mikhaylov , Alexey Mikhailov
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Leningrad, USSR (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Movie Involvements: 6
TV Involvements: 2
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
(2014) ПлевакоMaryina Grove
(2012) MikhalychPlumbum, or The Dangerous Game
(1987) «Tarik» - Mary's fiancéThe Secret Agent's Return
(1982) MortimerTime of Desires
(1984) ValentinPeasants
(1981) Lev ShamraiThe End of the Emperor of the Taiga
(1978) RodionovThree Days of Reflection
(1982) Jan GolubovskyActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2017 | N/A | |
2014 | Плевако | |
2012 | Mikhalych | |
2011 | Self | |
1992 | N/A | |
1988 | N/A | |
1987 | «Tarik» - Mary's fiancé | |
1986 | N/A | |
1984 | Valentin | |
N/A | ||
1982 | Mortimer | |
Jan Golubovsky | ||
1981 | Lev Shamrai | |
1978 | Rodionov | |
1974 | N/A | |
1963 | N/A | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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