Person Details

Birthday: 1978-02-09 04:11:33

Aliases: Yukiko Kimura

Gender: Female

Place of birth:


Movie Involvements: 0

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


Born in a smallish town in Ontario to parents of Japanese heritage, Angela has always been a woman of diverse passions and paths. Naturally creative, she graduated from a prominent School of the Arts as a Musical Theatre major, and boasts several years of classical voice training, in addition to an array of dance genres. Never predictable, Angela is currently furthering her education, attending university as a Psychology major. As part of her interest with psychology and social change, Angela was also involved in the field of social work, supporting adults with developmental disabilities to allow them to live independently in their community. Angela has explored her performing side with a variety of roles, from modeling, to appearing in a bathtub full of fake blood for her star turn in a student film. She is equally comfortable behind the camera, and exhibited her photographic installation piece exploring psychological themes, printed on broken glass and displayed as a large mobile.

Most Famous Work


Year Character Movie/Tv
2006 Anchor
Year Character Movie/Tv

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